Author of the trending
best-seller, Her Sacred Scars

A resonating story that follows Mia through painful trials of abuse & divorce.

After starting a new job, Mia found herself in situations she never thought possible; Passionate relationships, coworker flings and the persistant pursuit of Mark – an all-consuming tale for the new age.

About Her Sacred Scars:

Based on true stories, I hope you, the reader, find it within yourself to move beyond your fears, and step towards the greatest story of love or success that you can write for yourself.

Dedicated to everone written about and included in the book, thanking you for being my muses of inspiration. 

I am Sarah Harper;

Actress, author & spiritual life coach.

Most importantly though, I’m a mom of three incredible boys who mean the world to me. They have taught me invaluable lessons and shaped me into the person I am today.

In the early stages of my adulthood, I embarked on a profound voyage of healing and self-discovery. It was during this life-altering period that I wholeheartedly embraced my spiritual nature as an empath and ventured into the realm of coaching women from diverse backgrounds across the globe. Witnessing the incredible transformations of these individuals has not only ignited an unwavering passion within me but has also become the driving force behind my life’s mission.

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Wow! I can’t believe what an amazing journey we’re on – so-far I’ve met dozens of readers at local Indigo shops around Ontario and it’s

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Two books, one journey.

Explore Her Sacred Scars and the companion Power Journal as you step into your most powerful self, and much more!

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